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Cub Scout Pack 288
(West Haven, Connecticut)
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Lions - A Pilot Program for Kindergarteners

For years, boys in Kindergarten had to wait until first grade to join Cub Scouts. No longer!

Cub Scout Pack 288 in West Haven is one of the few chosen packs to pilot a new program for Kindergarteners: Lion Cubs!

Boys who are 5 -years-old by September 30, 2016 and entering Kindergarten are eligible to join Pack 288 as a Lion Cub. Within our pack, there are Lion dens made up of 6-8 boys in each den. Instead of wearing the iconic button-up blue Cub Scout shirt, the Lions wear an adorable and proud Lion t-shirt with optional cap. They have one meeting and one outing each month, from September through May. After that, the Lions cross over into Tigers, transition to the full Cub Scout uniform, and can go on all the Pack adventures.

For more information, contact Pack 288's Lion Guide Ryan DeJonghe at